Blog Background

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Fun and a Trash Full of Treasures

3 plastic blocks, a wii remote, a DVD, a car, and a ball.

That's what all we found in the trash this morning. It got us thinking: 1.)When does a one year old find time to throw all these things away without us noticing and 2.)What else of ours may be sitting in some junkyard somewhere that we (as in Tom and know, the ones in charge around here) don't think is trash? Guess we'll never know.

Now onto some free -and super easy- summer fun...

Freeze a whole bunch of random plastic toys in a big bowl. Dump out the frozen contents and let your little one go to town digging and hammering to get those toys out one by one.

We seriously spent all morning outside with this. Fun stuff. Happy playing!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

About a Boy

Wanna know what's up with the little man these days? If so, keep reading...

*Disclaimer- this is a looong post. I mean, this is 14 months worth of catching up to do.

-->B is one of the busiest, most all-boy little babies I've ever laid my eyes on...and I just love him for that. A pile of dirt or mulch, trying to squish an ant, flirting with the ladies...well, he's all over these sorts of things. He's also my little climber. Tom walked out of the room for 2.5 seconds and came back to find him standing on the kitchen table(with a big grin on his face, of course!). That should also tell you something about how fast he is.

-->He is Like more than any other kid I've ever met. I wonder if it was all those concerts I went to when I was pregnant? Music calms him, makes him happy, and makes him dance his little heart out. It's a bounce-up-and-down, clap your hands, spin around kind of dance...but dancing to him nonetheless and it melts this momma's heart. He also loves to sing, and can sing more on tune than me! He sings the cutest version of twinkle twinkle little star and I can actually make out some of the words. He also like to sing Old MacDonald and the "Clean Up Time" song.

-->He loves to help us do ANYTHING. We've learned that we can get him to do anything we need/want him to do by just asking him to "help" us. He loves to help us throw stuff away, put the groceries in the grocery cart, shut/open doors, let his water out of the bathtub, get his shoes/cup/pj's/whatever for us.

-->He's also talking a lot these days. He tries to repeat everything we say, but here are his day-to-day words:

momma, dadda, flower, papa, gigi, cheese(when he sees someone pull out a camera...such a ham),uh-oh, hi, doggie, kitty cat, juju(juice), moe moe(more), car, choo choo, ball, bye bye, cow, yeah, no, chechup(ketchup), cookie, cracker, bubble, yogee(yogurt), baby, kayeeee(Kelli), gawl gone(all gone), e-i-e-i-oooo, the song twinkle twinkle, "eean up iiimmme, eean up iiimmme"(clean up song) This list could keep going on...he is talking crazy amounts for a 14 month old!

-->Some of Bray's favorite toys at home right now are balls, a fake phone(he calls dadda ALL.THE.TIME), John Deere lawnmower, a toy stethoscope, books(especially lift the flap and touch and feel books), and his racetrack and cars. He loves to chase bubbles, play at the park, splash in his pool or down at the river, blow kisses, dogs, go to the library, explore on our nature walks(little Tom), color with crayons,be outside, run free!, put on music and dance, sort things, play with blocks, Praisebaby DVD's, get chased or chase us, and he loves when Tom jumps out and scares him.

-->We have started giving him a fork and spoon to eat with and he is doing really good "stabbing" his food and getting it to his mouth. The spoon is hit or miss. Sometimes he gets the food in his mouth, other times it's more fun to sling it everywhere. He loves, milk(white and chocolate), water, and juice. I try to feed him as much organic food as our grocery budget allows, but I'm also not going to freak if he has other things as well. Sometimes he thinks he's too busy to sit down and eat, but his favorite foods right now are english muffins, bananas, peaches, watermelon, green beans, yogurt, chicken tenders, deli meat, pizza, mac n' cheese, spaghetti/lasagna, yogurt covered raisins, guac with homemade tortilla chips but I don't make it too often, and one of his most favorites are fresh mango smoothies.

-->We are in the process of transitioning from two naps to one nap a day. When he only takes one nap, its usually a nice long 2-3 hours. If he takes two, I get 30 minutes in the am and about an hour in the afternoon. So decreasing naps is working well for us. He goes to sleep at 7 pm and usually wakes me up around 7:30 am alternating between reading books and yelling mooommmmaaa!...mooooommma!...until I come get him.

I'm not sure of his stats right now, because I haven't -gasp!- taken him to his one year checkup. We had to cancel it last minute and have had trouble finding an open spot that works with our schedule. That will be next week though. Funny how much more laid back you become as your children get older. When Brayden was an infant, I was an obedient momma that had him at his well check up on the EXACT day that he was due. But he's happy and healthy(and tall!), and that's all that matters to me. I'm thankful to a degree that words cannot describe that God has entrusted this exact little boy to Tom and I. I pray that Jesus just sweeps Brayden off his feet and wins over his heart. Nothing more I would love to see happen in my life here on Earth.

Gotta go pack for a fun road trip starting tomorrow! Goodnight friends.

I'm Back

I'm back in the blogging world after a year of being MIA. Missing so long, in fact, that my blog was deleted! I'm ashamed. So anyways, that little bean I used to rant and rave about is now 14 months old. How did my little big 9 1/2 lbs. of baby love turn into a "big boy" so fast?!

I decided to get back into blogging because I wanted to be able to document Brayden's fun little life. I had a baby book for him that I wrote crammed every detail of his existence into, but the problem is that they only go to one year! There are so many fun things he is saying and doing that I want to remember...thus the blog!